Wednesday, December 05, 2007


BAH! I hate how desparate I am to distract myself from work...It seems the closer I get to the end of my thesis, the longer it takes me. I guess after working a full day of making maps, constructing cross sections, data base maintence and data QC I'm just too tired to come home and do more making maps, constructing figures, QC-ing my data. I think the dog is sick of it too...she's looking at me with should be playing with me right now look....hehe..Well AGU is almost here! I will be staying with Sara Jane up in Danville and commuting via BART. I've never ridden it before, so it will be exciting. Sara Jane and Mike are going to babysit me for my first Monday morning ride : o) AGU should be exciting as well, there's supposed to be alot of people there, but my poster got stuck in some session about the tectonics of the dead sea and not California tectonics where i wanted it (and it should have been) but it was kinda beyond my control. It'll be a good chance to present my work and look around the see what else is out there..maybe there is a PhD in my future yet...As long as its a fellowship....

I have been enjoying my job and getting to know everyone there. Its been a pretty fun place to work and I'm learning alot of fancy software, which is cool. I'll be officially staying at my new place tomorrow night I think since I still have to use this stupid PC to work on my thesis. I'm excited to be moving out onto my own! Well...there is the dog too...I met some of my neighbors and they seem pretty cool. Hopefully it will be a good place to live. I need a fridge though, Jared lent me this tiny one that he had been using as a beer/wine cooler. Yet more money I get to spend and not save...I can't wait for the day I'm out of debt, oh wait, that'll never happen in this country! Well..I'll make it as minimal as possible. At least I can afford to live on my own now.

Jared will be graduating soon and I'm so excited for him! Now he can find a job of his own and we can move in's exciting to think about. At least I know he'll be able to come stay a while round christmas time, maybe even in time to help with the tamales!

Now to get back to work...Here's a picture of Miko since I haven't posted anything in a while:
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This is what I wish I was doing...


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