Sunday, September 10, 2006

Chillin at the SCEC meeting...

So I'm here in lovely Palm Springs, which I've never been to before, presenting a poster on my Thesis work thus far and hanging out with a bunch of cool geologist types. Its pretty rockin, although I'll only be here for two days (today and tomorrow) which means I'll be missing alot of the talks :o( so sad AND the free food! They pay for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At least the hotel is pretty cool, it's at the Hilton. There's supposed to be a cocktail hour sometime soon. YaY for free booze!!

I spent the majority of my time here at a series of short talks about Velocity Models in CA. I'm hoping that I can add my velocity model (eventually I'll have to make one or aid in making one to covert my data from what is called Two-Way-Travel-Time (the time it takes for a sound wave to travel, hit something, bounce back and be picked up by the reciever) to Depth, which will be exciting because then I can contribute to the Community fault model stuff! Then I'll be in with the cool kids.

Right now, I've been working on cleaning up some of my fault surfaces and figuring out how to get some kinks out of my interpretation. Apparently I'm being too true to the fault as shown in the data and not adjusting for errors and such. Fun stuff. To think, I'll be done with this hopefully by the end of Spring quarter! Who woulda thought I could achieve so much. Thanks Mom.

My prof has also been giving me options other than working for the big bad oil industry. I dunno though, since they found two new fields (one in Kern County no less!) maybe I should stick with it? Or maybe I should get that PhD....or Both!

So not much else. I wont get to see Jared again for a couple weekends (I'll be going to Santa Cruz Island 15th-18th (rock!) and AZ to see Sara Jane (double ROCK!) ) this makes me sad. Hopefully he'll be able to come visit so he can meet my family and my mom can ask him a million way too personal questions and my sister can debate him about the mormon church (he's an ex!!). It'll be good times...I really can't wait. So much to look forward to and then there's that whole school-work-thesis thing. hehehe..I really wish I had some time to myself :o)

I think thats about rambling, maybe I should head to my room or something...I'll figure it out.


Blogger c-Lo said...

I dont debate....I crush, plunder, pillage, and make people cry.

And if that all fails, I just talk louder then them untill they get give up or get horse.
Either or, I win.

1:16 AM  
Blogger c-Lo said...

I spelled until wrong, and also HOARSE wrong.

But it would be cool for somebody to just suddenly GET HORSE in the middle of the conversation. Maybe it would be a pony.

1:32 PM  

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