Thursday, September 28, 2006

Busy Busy Busy~

Thats me! I've been buzzing around, trying to get back into some kind of routine. Its been so difficult. I thought having all night classes would make it easy, but I find I like working out at night vs during the day. I dunno why, maybe I'm weird? Arg! I just wish things would start feeling routine again. At least I have next week to look forward to! Jared is coming to visit me!! I'm so excited...

AND, apparently I'm getting a tatoo this weekend. My sister says I have to...hehe its a bonding thing I guess? I was trying to think of something geological, but its hard to come up with something I want to keep forever, since it is permanent. Any ideas?

Also...some mischief is a-brewin for this weekend. Pictures to follow.

So I've found a couple new shows: Heroes, Jericho and Ugly Betty. I really like all three although I'm going to have to work out some mischief with my tivo. I highly recommend these at the vert least. I think Heroes is very X-Men-ish, with this whole comic book theme and the Japanese guy freaking cracks me up!! Jericho I think is a good concept, but it feels like to me that this is going to be one of those 'Billant but Cancelled' shows on Bravo. I think its cool though. And Ugly Betty just cracks me up, I love that America chick...she's cute!

Anywho, time for me to get clean...hopefully I'll get some regular posts going!

Would you like to join the geology club??
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GEM O RAMA Oct 14th-15th!! Email me for some details!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Chillin at the SCEC meeting...

So I'm here in lovely Palm Springs, which I've never been to before, presenting a poster on my Thesis work thus far and hanging out with a bunch of cool geologist types. Its pretty rockin, although I'll only be here for two days (today and tomorrow) which means I'll be missing alot of the talks :o( so sad AND the free food! They pay for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At least the hotel is pretty cool, it's at the Hilton. There's supposed to be a cocktail hour sometime soon. YaY for free booze!!

I spent the majority of my time here at a series of short talks about Velocity Models in CA. I'm hoping that I can add my velocity model (eventually I'll have to make one or aid in making one to covert my data from what is called Two-Way-Travel-Time (the time it takes for a sound wave to travel, hit something, bounce back and be picked up by the reciever) to Depth, which will be exciting because then I can contribute to the Community fault model stuff! Then I'll be in with the cool kids.

Right now, I've been working on cleaning up some of my fault surfaces and figuring out how to get some kinks out of my interpretation. Apparently I'm being too true to the fault as shown in the data and not adjusting for errors and such. Fun stuff. To think, I'll be done with this hopefully by the end of Spring quarter! Who woulda thought I could achieve so much. Thanks Mom.

My prof has also been giving me options other than working for the big bad oil industry. I dunno though, since they found two new fields (one in Kern County no less!) maybe I should stick with it? Or maybe I should get that PhD....or Both!

So not much else. I wont get to see Jared again for a couple weekends (I'll be going to Santa Cruz Island 15th-18th (rock!) and AZ to see Sara Jane (double ROCK!) ) this makes me sad. Hopefully he'll be able to come visit so he can meet my family and my mom can ask him a million way too personal questions and my sister can debate him about the mormon church (he's an ex!!). It'll be good times...I really can't wait. So much to look forward to and then there's that whole school-work-thesis thing. hehehe..I really wish I had some time to myself :o)

I think thats about rambling, maybe I should head to my room or something...I'll figure it out.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Ok, so I've found out my blog is listed on this website. Apparently its a game where you trade blogs like you would stocks. Interesting concept, but I wonder why someone would even bother to buy shares in my blog since I dont think its all that snazzy for one and for two, not many people read it, or so I think, but hey, I guess its just one of those weird internet things right? Like maybe this thing will be the next myspace or something? But I doubt any value will come out of owning my blog...who knows! Apparently I'm in the top ten geology blogs..which either means there's only 10 geology blogs out there...or that no one really reads what I write anywho...ah well..

So I'm still in Utah hanging out with my man. I've annoyed my sister by being here, but I think my mom was rather pleased, at least when her DATE came to VISIT her! Ok, so it wasn't a date, but I'm seriously considering putting the moms on one of those dating websites, just to see what would is the wave of the future you know!

Not much else, more geology things when I come across them. However very interesting report on the state of the US in the worlds eyes here.
Hopefully the link works!

Also just found: Nature has come out with a story on the possible discovery of the gene that makes us human..I dont have time to read this now, but hopefully someone does!