Wednesday, August 23, 2006

First Istanbul Pic!

So I'm back..alive and getting things in order for the trek to Utah on Friday! I'm so excited to go see Jared and I know he'll be excited to see me too! Just submitted my abstract for the SCEC conference:

Imaging and Mapping Active 3D Fault Geometry in the California Continental Borderland

Catherine Sarah Schindler1, Craig Nicholson2, Christopher Sorlien2

1California State University Bakersfield, Bakersfield, CA 93311; 2Marine Science Institute and Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106

The Continental Borderland offshore southern California has had a complex tectonic history. This area experienced late Cenozoic subduction and Miocene oblique extension, as well as components of large-scale tectonic rotation that continue to the present. The northern part of the Continental Borderland was the locus of Pacific-North American plate motion for more than 70% of its displacement history, and recent GPS data suggest that as much as 20% of current plate motion is still located offshore. Much of this plate motion in the Continental Borderland appears to occur on NW-striking right-transpressive faults and folds that terminate against the predominantly E-W-striking left-transpressive structures of the rotating Western Transverse Ranges province. How this crustal deformation is accommodated in 3D, and the interaction between rotated and non-rotated domains is little understood. These active offshore structures also represent a largely as yet unknown seismic and tsunami hazard to many California coastal communities, and provide important analogs to active buried (less-accessible) onshore California structures that are likely to produce large, damaging earthquakes in the adjacent Los Angeles basin.

As part of a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach, extensive grids of existing high-quality industry multichannel seismic (MCS) and high-resolution multibeam data are being used to image and map active 3D fault surfaces, stratigraphic reference horizons, and seafloor morphology in this offshore area. These digital surfaces help to define the geometry and evolution of active subsurface faults and folds, and to better quantify the finite strain field with time. Initial results suggest a complex pattern of faults and folds that interact to partition oblique strain on systems of intersecting high- and low-angle structures. For example, the near-vertical Malibu Coast fault accommodates predominantly left-slip above a set of stacked north-dipping low-angle thrust faults. At greater depth, these high- and low-angle faults may merge to form oblique-reverse faults that reactivate inherited Miocene normal-separation faults associated with the initial rifting and rotation of the Western Transverse Ranges province, and which now drive the uplift and folding of the Santa Monica Mountains and northern Channel Islands.

This system of interacting faults, folds and crustal block rotations is comparable to similar fault systems around the world, including the North Anatolia fault system in the Marmara Sea, where combinations of low-angle faults beneath long-wavelength folds and adjacent high-angle faults also appear to accommodate distributed continental plate motion and inferred block rotation.

I'm not entirely sure if I can post that, but this is my thesis work so far. I'm really grateful to my advisors for the help they've given me so far..I really feel like I'm working towards something meaningful and I'm learning so much from them! Its great!

So...not much today..getting things done and getting around to see everyone before I head off AGAIN...I need to pick sometime to stay home..I kinda miss being lazy : o)

Here is a pic from the Istanbul trip, my favorite one of the whole set..I love it!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting to go hang out with my sister! Miss ya all so much : o) Call me~

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Back Home!!


So I made it home safely from Istanbul! I'm glad to be home although my internal clock is messed up..I'm wide awake and its 2AM. Anywho, I brought back lots of pictures (and tea, YUM!) as well as some other souveniers, I'll post some of the pics on either facebook or flickr, whichever strikes my fancy..

It was overall, a good trip, although the trauma with my luggage made me not want to EVER travel through London Heathrow again in my life unless I'm specifically going to London. I did manage to survive and get in some good sightseeing (lucky I got my sneakers in time) although I am rather unhappy at all the weight I've gained being on vacation (5 pounds-ish) but I've got all fall and winter to work it off again...Ugh...I wish I could have the body confidence other girls do, but its hard..funny thing is that I like myself being the weight I am now with the +5 pounds...I just need to do some more situps! Although I need to get back into running again...nothing makes me feel as good as a run! Well almost nothing :o) I miss my Baby..but I get to go see him sometime in the next few days! I'm so excited...esp since he'll get to meet my family soon and I really think they'll get along well. I made him promise to make sure we get lots of exercise while I'm in Utah with him..there's alot of hikes and stuff to do so I'm pretty excited about that!

So I'm off to watch my tivo-ed shows and try to relax enough to sleep. New guilty pleasure: The tv show Psyche on USA...Flippin Hi-Lar-i-Ous~

Friday, August 11, 2006


SO...I'm leaving for Istanbul on sat night!! I'm really excited, a little nervous for many reasons..I have a poster to present, its a long and now terribly safe flight because I have to connect through heathrow, and its an islamic country so there's a bunch of guidleines for the way I should act/dress...even though Istanbul is a huge metropolitan city, all the guides I've read have recommended to dress modestly, not smile at anyone and always wave with my right hand...hehe I'm looking forward to being able to sightsee and shop! They have the second largest mall in the world there AND the oldest! So I definitely have to go to both...if only I wasnt so poor...

So needless to say, I am unsure of my internet access and probably will not post while I am there. So this will be my last post for about a week or so! I hope you all miss me, I know you will! :o)

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Talladega Nights!!

Zoom Zoom Zoom!!

I just watched Talladega word HI-LAR-I-OUS! I loved it, although I'll leave the details out since my favorite geologist hasn't seen it yet...but I did really love the fact they used alot of Steve Earle in the mom loves Steve, so I've heard him alot..I dug it :o)

Anywho, that is all for tonight, back to babysitting my cousin..


"I'm going Fast!!"

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Jared and I

I really like this picture of us..I've posted it everywhere else, except here! So here it is!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I miss you so much!!


YARG!! Its been such a boring two days...I've been working and gyming and doing my usual routine, but it just seems so, blah. I guess I really miss living with the girls from field camp. I guess I need to start calling peeps and keeping in touch :o) I'm usually pretty bad at that (thank God for myspace!) I also miss being busy. Not to say I'm not busy now..but going out everyday and doing fieldwork really felt fulfilling. It really is tempting to just do that as a career, I really think I would love it. Its just nice spending time hiking around outdoors and working and just being done at the end of the day. Although I do love working on my seismic lines..hehe I guess I could do both...but this means I would probably have to work for an oil company, yarg! Alas, such is life.

So not much today. Just getting the poster ready for Istanbul. I'm working on getting some 3D images from Kingdom Suite. Hopefully I'll have some to post on here later since I just found out that my blog is on the list of geology blogs on So I better get some more geology on here :o) In case some of you were wondering what my research is all about, I'm mapping and imaging faults in 3D using Kingdom Suite by SMT and eventually GoCAD. I've been getting pretty profieicent at Kingdom, which is a good skill for a geophysicist to have! study area is south of the Channel Islands, using some recently proprietary seismic data. My goals are to study and map fault interactions between rotated (the rotated Western Transverse Ranges!) and non rotated (the Northern California Continental Borderland!) domains, seismic hazards and 3D imaging things. This basically means I sit in front of a computer all day to analyze some data and make pretty 3D images in the hopes that I can analyze strain fields and asses the seismic hazards. Or so my professor has told me, if I correctly understood :o)

Well not much else...I'm missing being in Utah!! Actually I just miss all the friends I made there...and one person in particular :o) I guess I just got so used to being around so many people that going back to my boring old, uneventful life here in Bako just seems so, well, boring! It really makes me look forward to when I graduate, find my dream job and move somewhere cool..when I'm financially stable and able to travel where I want and hopefully when I want! We'll see :o)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Back home again~

Waaah I miss Utah!!

SO to fill people in on the happenings of my life the past (and hectic) couple weeks, I finsihed field camp and moved back from my five week semi-vacation in Utah...and, as per usual, since my life was basically planned out for the next year or so, I had to go and fall in like with a nice boy from Utah :o) My family pretty much thinks that I'm nuts (i think..) but I have to say that I really havent felt so sure about something like this in a while. My take is, if its meant to be, it'll work out. And I really hope it does, cuz I havent been this happy in a while :o)

Aside from that not much...just prepping for Istanbul and then the SCEC meetin in Sept. Probably another trip to Utah after and a cruise on down to see my Slutface in Arizona...More about this later when I feel like thinking about it..